growth path

Growth Path is a 3 - steps experience focused on becoming the person God has created you to be. No matter where you are in your journey, Growth Path will equip you to grow as a healthy and effective follower of Jesus Christ. We encourage you to participate in all the Steps in our Growth Path.

Step 1: Explore

The first step of our Growth Path is tailored for those who are new Christians or are finding their way back to God. In this step you will explore the foundational blocks deepening your relationship with God, and learning how to follow Jesus.

Get exploring!

Step 2: Belong

In this second step you will discover why we The C3 Church exist, our vision for the future and our core values and how you can get connected. Step 2 will also equip and help you find your gifts and calling so that you can play your part in our mission of making disciples.

Time to belong

Step 3: Grow

In step 3 we will equip you to bring influence to your world, be it within your family, workplace, and your community here at The C3 Church. The only pre-requisite is the completion of Step 2: Belong.